Sample Frequently Asked Questions


  1. When I visit the free sample calendar it still says “Check back soon for today's free sample”- Why is that?

    If you are seeing the "Check back soon" message it is because we either have not yet posted today’s sample find or your Internet browser has saved that image on your computer. Browsers often do this to increase their speed and efficiency for websites you visit often. We post a daily free sample find every morning between 9 and 10 AM. If you still see the “Check back” message at that time, try refreshing your Internet browser or close your browser completely then reopen it again.

  2. When I went to request the sample it said they were out or that I didn’t qualify to get the sample.

    We sometimes offer exclusive free samples through, but often we are scouting out other free samples being offered by other companies. Since most of these samples have no affiliation with All You, we make sure to the best of our ability the requesting process is simple and strait-forward before we post the sample. We want you to trust the sites we find and know they are legitimate, however, since these are not All You sites, we cannot control the quantity of samples, length of the offer or changes to the qualifications for receiving the sample after we post our daily find.

  3. The free sample site won't work for me.

    Sometimes theses sites are built with a program called Flash or may have pop-up windows (or both). Make sure you have the Macromedia Flash plug in (it’s a free update that most newer browsers come with, but not all) and you do not block pop-up windows.

  4. I don't have a Facebook account and cannot accept Facebook offers. Why do I have to “Like” a company on Facebook to get the sample?

    We strive to find the best free sample offers from around the Web every day and sometimes those samples are found on Facebook. We in no way want to alienate our readers who choose not to use Facebook, but many companies and brands use Facebook as a means of communicating with their audience and to distribute their free samples.

    We strive to find the best free sample offers from around the Web every day and sometimes those samples are found on Facebook. We in no way want to alienate our readers who choose not to use Facebook, but many companies and brands use Facebook as a means of communicating with their audience and to distribute their free samples.

  5. I don't want give my phone number to request a sample.

    Most sample sites we promote don't require a phone number but occasionally they do. You should only give the personal information you feel comfortable providing.

  6. I don't want to have my email inbox overrun with newsletters, offers and possibly spam.

    We suggest opening a free email account (through Yahoo or Gmail) to use just for entering online sweeps and requesting free samples.

    We suggest opening a free email account (through Yahoo or Gmail) to use just for entering online sweeps and requesting free samples.

    We suggest opening a free email account (through Yahoo or Gmail) to use just for entering online sweeps and requesting free samples.

  7. I can’t see the free sample calendar.

    If you cannot see the free sample calendar at all, it may be because you do not have JavaScript enabled in your browser’s preferences. You can change this in your browser set up.

网站建设上海营销学课程网络营销适合的年龄段网络关键设备的网络安全专用产品静态网站有哪些优点bitdefender网络安全如何确保网络安全部队西安做网站禹州网站建设营销型网站设计招聘工控网络安全烟草方案庆历八年,官场新秀王安石在小县城里猥琐发育,老油条欧阳修在山旮旯里公然摸鱼,小吃货苏东坡还在家披麻戴孝,宅男曾巩搁屋里带娃,二大爷范仲淹被撵的到处跑,理工男宁晏在家调戏大哥小姨子……天启年间,年轻的朱由校,望一举解决辽东之患,然而,事态之发展,却出乎他的意料,最后,竟然导致了更大的灾难……看似平静的世界中,有人身负法则之力,有序运转的法则之下,埋藏着鲜为人知的阴暗面……本文是十年前的电攻杂志上发表的糊涂的《奇迹》的续篇,在糊涂的上一部著作中,作者留下了很多的悬念和未解之谜,比如卡拉的去向,四个黑暗旅人的经历,奇迹之神法修失踪,老头比尔的秘密,十三大神器中其他神器的下落,暗刃为什么要杀死雷特,毒蝗虫到底去哪了,福尔斯广场任务的结局会是怎样,蒂娜为什么会背叛风,海伦为什么凭白无故杀死风……带着诸多的悬念揭开本文的开端,本文将会对这些进行逐一的解答。 主角风,即将开始新的旅程,希望这本小说会给大家带来一个全新的感受,感谢大家对本文的关注。虽出身白丁,但可与鸿儒比肩; 虽家境贫寒,但举手可赚钱万贯; 虽手无缚鸡之力,但弹指万军灰飞烟灭; 我虽布衣,可做公卿。君若离去,我必生死相随,来生再相依相爱,这是一个悲惨的故事,主角上官云飞幼小父母双亡,家族毁灭。在叔叔的照看一直一路崛起,你以为他会一路高歌,却没有想到天有不测风云,主角遭受挚爱背叛,从此一撅不振……在剑下活着,或者死在剑下。 人,比自己想象的要自由。 这是一条恶魔之子的求仙路。先秦时期,中原武林出现了许许多多的门派,每个门派内有分内家弟子与外加弟子。内家弟子修炼本门派的内功心法,外家弟子则修炼刀枪剑戟斧钺钩叉鞭锏等十八般武器。 门派之间杀伐不断,直到始皇帝统一天下之后,各门各派又联合起来与始皇帝创建的大秦帝国对抗,最终引起了始皇帝的愤怒,随机下令丞相李斯一个一个的灭门,最终把每个门派的内功心法全部焚烧,内家弟子全部坑杀,只留下了部分外家弟子为朝廷效力。 始皇帝驾崩之后,部分内家弟子陈胜吴广等人侥幸逃过李斯追杀的又纷纷带头反抗帝国,最终给了大秦致命一击。 我们的故事就在千年后的唐帝国开始I'AM 李华,我是一个穷屌丝。有一天,我在垃圾箱旁,看到了一个带有奇特花纹的花瓶,盲猜这是个古董。于是,我把它带回了家。一个在地球一事无成的青年在准备跳楼结束自己时,被域外神选中,最后成为了一宇至尊
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